Being Smart About Variable Occupancy

Whether you are in Seattle, Austin, Boston, or Philadelphia the hybrid work environment is the new normal. While building occupancy rates vary by location – and certainly by day of the week – the challenge of efficiently lighting, heating, cooling, and ventilating space is increasingly complicated.

Should a building with 45% occupancy consume the same resources as one that previously had an 80% occupancy rate? Should this rekindle the concept of EUI per occupant versus EUI per SF as a metric?

This session explores the complexities of variable occupancy rates and how smart technology and practices can help building owners and operators manage resources and consistently meet health and comfort standards of their occupants.


Tom Marseille

Principal Consultant @ Säzän Group

Craig Engelbrecht

VP, General Manager @ LONG Building Technologies

Cindy Zhu

Director, Grid Services @ Prescriptive Data

Jay Martin

Director of Engineering @ Overcast Innovations

Zixiao Pan

President @ Butlr

Smart Buildings Exchange


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