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ICT Today Lauren Long ICT Today Lauren Long

Your Building Has A Story To Tell: Let AI Narrate It

The smarter and more connected buildings become, the more complex the systems behind them must be. Each door opened, light switched on, and temperature adjusted offers a glimpse into the heartbeat of the building, painting a detailed picture of its operational rhythms. While this may sound like a headache and a complicated maze of access and permissions to IT teams, the opportunities unlocked with AI-powered buildings are unmatched. Through automation, buildings can anticipate and predict the future needs of a building, ensuring optimal performance, energy efficiency, and an enhanced user experience. Even though most buildings aren’t even at this automated level of operation, AI can take it a step further and may be the push owners and operators need to invest in smarter tech. In a world increasingly driven by data, understanding and optimizing your building’s operations is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity.

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