GSA Conducts Field Test For Energy Operations, Automation, & Reduction (Concludes $28.7M In Potential Annual Energy Savings)

The U.S General Services Administration's (GSA's) Green Proving Ground program, in partnership with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. completed a large pilot study of an Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS) with Automated System Optimization (ASO).

Four test bed facilities, each with different building characteristics and systems, were chosen for the implementation of cloud-based EMIS with ASO.

Depending on functionality, this tool can be extremely effective in energy management and energy optimization in buildings.

The capabilities evaluated in the pilot ranged from energy savings and energy consumption predictions to evaluations of user acceptance, operability, and ease of installation.

This report presents the methodology, lessons learned and best practices, and deployment recommendations for the GSA's portfolio of commercial office space, comprising more than 8,500 properties.

The study found automating government real estate operations could save the federal government $28.7M a year in energy costs, while significantly reducing carbon emissions.

By combining siloed building systems data with external information sources, like weather, into a single integrated platform, an energy management information system (EMIS) can provide real-time situational awareness and increase building efficiency.

For this pilot project, the automation system was installed at four testbeds (and fifteen data visualization sites) representative of a range of GSA facility types, operating conditions, and climate zones. Researchers found that at all four testbeds the system successfully integrated disparate data streams into a single dashboard that enabled remote monitoring, customized data trending, and reporting.

Access The Case Study

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