Interview: Lead, AI Research

Gulai Shen is the Lead of AI Research at Prescriptive Data. Plucked from the halls of Cornell, Gulai continues to study the cutting edge of technology, researching how the latest advancements can be prototyped to optimize building operations, and decarbonize entire property portfolios as part of our Research and Development Team. Gulai sat down to answer questions about what he does at Nantum AI, what it’s like to work in AI and building research, and more.

What’s your role at Nantum AI?

My job title is Lead of AI Research. The main thing we do in the Research and Development Team is to research, prototype, and help production-ize any sort of energy or non-energy-related applications that make a building smarter, more energy-efficient, and more sustainable.

How did you first hear about Nantum AI and what drew you into the sustainable technology industry?

I first met Nantum AI Founder John Gilbert while he was visiting our lab at Cornell. He gave us an intro to Nantum AI, as well as Nantum AI’s Head of Research and Development Ali Mehmani, and, at the time, the VP of Innovation Ricardo Cid. I got to know them and did an internship in the summer of 2019. Seeing these topics and seeing them deployed was a great experience. Seeing how it actually happens is another level of excitement and interest. I changed my thesis towards a direction that aligned with the area.

“Be open-minded on every topic. You never know what you’ll come across that will spark an idea and make a difference in something you’re developing. ”


What’s the most rewarding part of working at Nantum AI?

Even as part of the R&D team, we have an opportunity to see our application optimizing and efficiency and performance of multi-billion dollar buildings. Participating in and winning various challenges like the PropTech challenge is very rewarding. 

Where do you see this industry in 5-10 years?

This industry is getting a lot of attention because it's related to the climate and the challenge of greenhouse gas emissions. Since it’s getting attention, there are a lot of opportunities in the space. In terms of technology, like IoT, cloud computing, and machine learning, we are here to finish the implementation steps. We’re connect different areas that were previously siloed and make it work. 

If there is such a thing, what’s an average day at Nantum AI like?

Our average day starts with daily team sync, reflecting on the previous day and current day objectives we need to talk about as a team. Throughout the day, it’s a lot of self-management because we’re researching different topics. Lots of thinking, brainstorming and exploring things. It’s about finding the most comfortable sitting position and getting your brain to work with day-to-day meetings in between. And lastly, ping pong.

What does your family think you do?

Write code and reduce carbon.

What advice would you give a young student considering a career in sustainable technology?

My advice would be to try to find the intersection of traditional and new technology. Find the place where you’re bringing new tools like machine learning into older mechanical systems and combining them to optimize the existing technology environment. Be open-minded on every topic. You never know what you’ll come across that will spark an idea and make a difference in something you're developing.


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