NYSERDA’s Grid-Interactive Building Showcase

Cindy Zhu, Director of Grid Services at Prescriptive Data, was joined by other experts for the RTEM Fireside Chat at NYSERDA’s Grid-Interactive Building Showcase.

After presenting on initiatives at Prescriptive Data followed by Luis M. Rios at Rudin and David Klatt at Logical Buildings, the group answered questions presented by Kristen Palma at NYSERDA.

Kristen's questions covered topics like Local Law 97, examining tenant energy use, how Nantum OS is used by owners and operators for real time energy data as well as predictive capabilities for what emissions will look like in the future. The group also covered bitcoin mining, residential energy, building owner ROI, incentives for focusing on energy usage, the increased burden on the grid due to electrification, and the need for dynamic controls and flexibility within building systems.

Hit play to watch the video!


Kristen Palma

Strategic Engagement Manager, RTEM @ NYSERDA

Cindy Zhu

Director, Grid Services @ Prescriptive Data

David Klatt

Chief Operating Officer @ Logical Buildings

Luis M. Rios

Assistant Vice President @ Rudin

NYSERDA @ Building Energy Exchange


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