CO Future Property Forum - The Synergies of Green Building & Post-Pandemic Remediation

The 21st century has shed serious light on why efficient building operations is critical to developing healthy communities. The building industry continues to innovate on its design and operations approach to conserve energy, constrict emissions and offset global climate change. Now, with public safety being a bigger concern than ever, building managers are looking to improve building hygiene and create living spaces with increased ventilation This panel will discuss why modern, tech-enabled and efficient properties may be more resilient when facing public health emergencies and the role green building will play in setting a new standard for building excellence in the post-pandemic city.

What is the most important step a property owner should take in future-proofing their building? Why is the data generated by a building so important to organize and secure? How important is communicating real-time data analysis with our customers? What are the most important technologies you have seen and used? What infrastructure upgrades are important to consider?

How are owners using technology to combat COVID-19 as employees start to return to work? How are owners evaluating new technologies? What are they adopting during this unique time in history? How are owners utilizing technology to reduce their operational expenses? How are owners utilizing technology to improve sustainability and meet the requirements of Local Law 97? Has the rise of digital building created a new era of building owner/management success KPIs?


John Gilbert III

COO @ Rudin Management; Co-Founder & Executive Chairman @ Prescriptive Data

Helena Rose Durst

Principal @ The Durst Organization

Steve Levine

President & CEO @ AtmosAir Solutions

Rao Mulpuri

CEO @ View

Sonu Panda

CEO @ Prescriptive Data

Jennifer Recine

Partner @ Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP

Commercial Observer


Realcomm: The State of A.I. & Smart Building Energy Efficiency


Realcomm: The State Of Smart Building Data Ownership