Why A Career In Sustainability & ClimateTech?

There’re few better options for people passionate about the environment who want to create a better future than a career in sustainability. The Sustainability and ClimateTech industries are a rapidly growing sector of highly skilled professionals who are working to meet the challenges of climate change head-on. The global scale of the issue means the sector is only just getting started. Tens of thousands of workers will be needed for research, engineering, analytics, and communication around the world. If you’re thinking of answering the call in the fight for a sustainable future, here’s what you need to know:

What Types Of Jobs Are Available? 

Sustainability is a prism through which to view operations, meaning that practically every aspect of enterprise relates to sustainability, giving the sector a wide variety of job functions. On a basic level, supply chain and waste management minimization jobs bring sustainability to materials and logistics. Engineers and designers work within the sector to develop ClimateTech to bring more sustainability to modern business’ technology. Marketing and communication professionals are needed to promote sustainability efforts. Human resource professionals further diversity, equality, and inclusion so we all have a stake in sustainability. At higher levels, reporting, compliance, and sustainability management will be critical. Ethics and governance will play a crucial role in guiding efforts at a national and international scale.

Roles in the Sustainability and ClimateTech industries are as broad as the problem itself, employed in every sector. Industries like real estate, agriculture, insurance, military, logistics, manufacturing, and retail are all pursuing sustainability initiatives backed by hiring sprees, giving prospects a long list of organizations and enterprises to work for. Some roles may be informal, tackling sustainability one project at a time. Working towards a better future will require a village full of all kinds of talent.

How Much Does A Career in Sustainability & ClimateTech Pay?

Salaries vary greatly depending on experience, responsibility, industry, and region. Sustainability professionals earn $60,547 per year on average, according to a ZipRecruiter report. Leadership positions requiring advanced education can be quite lucrative. Professionals with Director or Senior Director in their title earn $168,607 per year on average. Vice President & Senior Vice President’s average $237,638 per year. Salaries in ClimateTech vary based on product type but typically pay well above average considering the considerable education required. While most salaries in the fields are well above average, money is rarely the reason people take a role in the industry. Above all else, Sustainability and ClimateTech are mission-driven fields.

How Many Jobs Are Available In Sustainability & ClimateTech? 

With sustainability becoming a major part of businesses’ strategy and operations, job opportunities are bountiful. A study reported by the University of Wisconsin School of Sustainable Management found that 67% of sustainability hires came from outside the company, indicating sustainability is a role companies hire for, rather than simply adding it to an existing employee’s responsibilities. Careers in Sustainability and ClimateTech are growing in number and variety as the industries mature. The fastest-growing jobs over the next five years will be solar panel installers and wind turbine technicians, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The employment landscape is always changing, but projected growth in green jobs across all sectors ranges from 4.1% to 13.6%. Once an emerging industry, sustainability, and green-related jobs now employ millions. Energy efficiency jobs alone total 2.38 million, according to the 2020 U.S. Energy and Employment Report. 

What Are The Educational Requirements? 

Educational requirements depend on the type of work. At basic levels, installers, plumbers, and technicians of all types typically only require post-secondary certificates awarded by trade schools post-high-school graduation, making them attractive options when factoring in the rapid growth of each job type. With a Bachelor’s Degree, a career as a sustainability specialist, engineer, auditor, manager, and architect become possible. At higher levels, jobs like analysts, ecologists, and chief officers typically require a master’s degree or higher. It’s important to remember that job growth in Sustainability and ClimateTech is rapidly expanding at every level of education, giving anyone interested in the sector plenty of options for employment.

Sustainability and ClimateTech are critical in the fight to secure a habitable climate for future generations. Spending to promote sustainability is increasing from businesses and governments across the globe, opening new doorways for successful careers. Combining your education with sustainability’s mission-driven purpose of protecting the planet will lead to a lifetime of lasting fulfillment in your work.


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