Tell Me About Machine Learning & AI Careers

It’s no stretch to say that machine learning and artificial intelligence are on the precipice of the next industrial revolution. Since Alan Turing first invented computing, engineers have been working towards a machine that can learn from experience. With enormous potential and use cases in every aspect of business, including security, transportation, healthcare, retail, and asset management, advanced in AI and machine learning will usher in what futurists have dubbed the fourth industrial revolution. Google CEO Sundar Pinchai famously said over the next 10 years, we will shift to a world that is AI-first. A career in machine learning and AI is a position forging the future of computing. 

What Type Of Jobs Are Available? 

The most common career path in machine learning and AI is through engineering. Skills in programming, statistics, data modeling, algorithms, and system design allow engineers to analyze data to create new algorithms capable of running autonomously, effectively translating outputs for machines. Data scientists are also common in the sector, using predictive modeling to analyze and interpret huge amounts of data. Natural Language Processing (NLP) scientists help machines understand human language. The industry also needs system designers that can integrate algorithms centered around human behavior. Businesses Intelligence developers and analysts tackle the insights from AI and machine learning and apply them in actionable ways to operations. 

How Much Does A Career in Machine Learning & AI Pay?

Machine learning and AI pay big. According to Indeed, the average salary of a machine learning engineer is $146,085, a stunning 344% increase in just five years. Machine learning engineers earn more on average than any other type of computer or program engineer. Data architects, scientists, and modelers aren’t far behind, all earning well over $100k annually. All told, the machine learning job market is expected to be worth almost $31 billion by 2024. 

How Many Jobs Are Available In Machine Learning & AI? 

Experts predict AI will create close to 2.3 million jobs by 2030. The flip side is the advancement of AI is expected to eliminate jobs in other fields, close to 1.7 million over the same time frame, giving a career in AI and machine learning great job security. The industry is finally gaining traction, rapidly expanding hiring. Machine learning and AI job postings have jumped by 75% over the last four years, showing no signs of stopping. With an annual industry growth rate exceeding 40%, hiring enough highly qualified individuals will be challenging. 

What Are The Educational Requirements For A Career Machine Learning & AI? 

It’s no surprise that an industry as complex and lucrative as machine learning and AI has stringent educational requirements. Postgraduate degrees in computer or data science are highly recommended. Beyond institutional education, coding skills in Python, R, Java, Scala and C++ can give applicants a leg up on the competition, slime roles may even require being knowledgeable in all of them. Higher-level positions will undoubtedly require a Ph.D. in computer science or a related field. 

A career in machine learning is not an easy path, but it is rewarding. The fourth industrial revolution will fundamentally shift computing, and therefore our global economy. With enough education and training, you can put yourself at the forefront of that change, leading the world of computing into its next frontier. 


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