Interview: Director of Product

Joanna Moore is Director of Product at Nantum AI. Before leading innovation in the energy-aware built world with Nantum, Joanna worked with companies in the cleantech sector with a focus on product acceleration and industry expertise. Originally from Philadelphia, Joanna is based out of the NYC office and is working on her Master’s, concentrating in environmental and community planning.

What’s your role at Nantum AI?

I lead our Product Team. We are in charge of Nantum’s future.

How did you first hear about Nantum AI and what drew you into the sustainable technology industry?

I first learned about and became interested in the sustainable technology industry in college, and have worked in it ever since! By doing so, I’ve met many like-minded people, and as I was searching for a new role in 2022, I heard about Nantum AI through one of them.

What’s the most rewarding part of working at Nantum AI?

Hearing positive customer feedback for a feature we’ve released is the best part! While working on our Measurement and Verification app, I enjoyed seeing the “numbers” of our energy conservation measures.

What’s the biggest misconception about the work you do?

I think the biggest misconception about Product is that we are focused on how something gets built. It’s much more important to us to know why something is getting built, and what the value is that we’re delivering to the market. The biggest misconception about Nantum is that it is only useful for new, fancy buildings. Energy transparency is valuable to all real estate.

Where do you see this industry in 5-10 years?

What I hope for ClimateTech is that we’re able to shift from harm reduction strategies (like efficiency) and are focused on implementing Climate Justice - that is, equitably distributing new resources that bring us to net zero.

“Imagine the world you want to live in, and build the tools that enable it.”


What’s an average day at Nantum AI like?

Sound: Ping pong.

Taste: Celsius.

Sight: Boxes of sensors and gateways.

Slack: Going off.

What advice would you give a young student considering a career in sustainable technology?

Imagine the world you want to live in, and build the tools that enable it.


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